A Conversation between AI and the Humanities

Lyon, November 14 and 15, 2024

The progress in image, text, and speech processing is among the most remarkable advancements in recent Artificial Intelligence developments. These data are also at the heart of the Humanities and Social Sciences, which, through Digital Humanities, have developed a wide range of digital approaches to understand them. It thus appears that these two fields, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Humanities, are destined to converge. Indeed, various points of contact already exist. However, it seems that the full potential opportunities of this convergence have not yet been explored, and efforts in this direction promise to be fruitful.

In this context, we propose to bring these two communities together. The objective is twofold: to enable a transfer of knowledge and expertise from the AI community to the SHS community so that the latter can integrate them into its methodological arsenal; and to clarify the specificities of the SHS that could point to new directions in AI research.

To achieve these objectives, we are organizing two days of reflection, inviting researchers from diverse backgrounds to meet, exchange, and collaborate. These days will be an opportunity to share experiences, present innovative works, and identify avenues for joint research. We encourage the participation of AI researchers, Digital Humanities specialists, and all those interested in the interactions between these fields. We hope that these days will lay the foundations for sustainable and fruitful collaborations, thus fostering the emergence of new pluridisciplinary approaches.

Conference organized by IXXI and supported by the AslaN Labex, the ENS Lyon and AISSAI as part of its thematic trimester on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Humanities.


Important dates

Submission deadline:
September 6, 2024

Notification date:
September 20, 2024

Event date:
November 14-15, 2024


Amphithéatre Descartes. 

ENS de Lyon, Descartes Campus


Jean-Philippe Magué
ENS de Lyon
Laboratoire ICAR

Marianne Reboul
ENS de Lyon
Laboratoire IRHIM

Julien Velcin
Université Lumière Lyon 2
Laboratoire ERIC

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